>> In general it would be would for nettime to focus more on China :) Or let’s 
>> be more clear, to fellow Chinese critics, artists, coders, theorists, 
>> researchers and other dreamers. To get an understanding of the Party and its 
>> relation to the business elites is one, but can we still have a direct 
>> dialogue with people out there?
As I lurk on this thread I’ve learned many things, thanks to prior contributors 
who replied! I lurk even though the context discussed in this thread is of 
proximity to me. I have to say my thought laughed really hard at "Will you 
except an invitation from a school or art institution in Shanghai?”, because 
it’s so pungently direct and forces the discourse to step aside for a minute 
(the discourse is as important).



> 在 2021年1月20日,下午5:23,tbyfi...@panix.com 写道:
> Yes please, and thank you, Geert. The endless navel-gazing of the WEIRD 
> nations’ senescence is recursively dull. The point is not what do the usual 
> suspects think about China (or whatever proxy you like), it’s whether they — 
> we — can extend the nettime project. Not so it can absorb new milieus; if 
> anything, so it can be absorbed by them.
> Cheers, Ted

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