How did a chaotic, unprepared crowd get through police barriers to invade
the Capitol? It turns out they were led by determined ex-military "Oath
Keepers" (an ad hoc militia). By their own count they were "30-40"
(unconfirmed number). We all saw  them on the videos, dressed in tactical
gear, pushing at the front lines, communicating with walkie-talkies, and
inciting the crowd to enter and perform "citizens' arrests." Now it is
clear that they acted in concert on the basis of plans made in the days
preceding the event.

Endless wars since the mid-twentieth century have left North America full
of former soldiers, many of them angry and alienated: human explosions just
waiting for a spark. This is one of the pathologies in US society, closely
connected to the autonomous sherrifs movement which also holds that simple
individuals can embody and execute their own law by force of arms. In
addition it's a powerful reminder that at a moment of crisis and confusion,
an organized force with a plan can easily tip the balance.

Full article posted below because it's behind a paywall.


Self-styled militia members planned on storming the U.S. Capitol days in
advance of Jan. 6 attack, court documents say
Spencer Hsu, Tom Jackman, Devlin Barrett
9-11 minutes

While authorities have charged more than 100 individuals in the riot,
details in the new allegations against three U.S. military veterans offer a
disturbing look at what they allegedly said to one another before, during
and after the attack — statements that indicate a degree of preparation and
determination to rush deep into the halls and tunnels of Congress to make
"citizens' arrests" of elected officials.

U.S. authorities charged an apparent leader of the Oath Keepers extremist
group, Thomas Edward Caldwell, 66, of Berryville, Va., in the attack,
alleging that the Navy veteran helped organize a ring of dozens who
coordinated their movements as they "stormed the castle" to disrupt the
confirmation of President-elect Joe Biden's electoral college victory.

"We have about 30-40 of us. We are sticking together and sticking to the
plan," co-defendant Jessica Watkins, 38, an Army veteran, said while the
breach was underway, according to court documents.

"You are executing citizen's arrest. Arrest this assembly, we have probable
cause for acts of treason, election fraud," a man replied, according to
audio recordings of communications between Watkins and others during the

"We are in the main dome right now. We are rocking it. They are throwing
grenades, they are fricking shooting people with paint balls. But we are in
here," a woman believed to be Watkins said, according to court documents.

A man then responds, "Get it, Jess," adding, "This is . . . everything we
f---ing trained for!"

The FBI said it recovered the exchange from Zello, a push-to-talk, two-way
radio phone app.

FBI charging papers against Caldwell, Watkins and a third person, former
U.S. Marine Donovan Crowl, 50, allege that Caldwell and others coordinated
in advance to disrupt Congress, scouted for lodging and recruited Oath
Keepers members from North Carolina and like-minded groups from the
Shenandoah Valley. The group claims thousands of members who assert the
right to defy government orders they deem improper. The plotters both
anticipated violence and continued to act in concert after the break-in,
investigators alleged in court documents. FBI papers also say that Caldwell
suggested a similar event at the local level after the attack, saying in a
message: "Lets storm the capitol in Ohio. Tell me when!"

The three are charged with five federal counts of conspiracy against the
United States; obstructing an official government proceeding; impeding or
injuring government officers; and destroying U.S. property, entering
restricted grounds and disorderly conduct at the Capitol.

Attempts to reach attorneys for Caldwell, Watkins and Crowl have been
unsuccessful. No one immediately responded to messages left at numbers
connected to Caldwell.

Jessica Watkins, a self-described militia member, faces federal charges in
connection to the assault on the U.S. Capitol earlier this month.

Former U.S. Marine Donovan Crowl, 50, is among three people charged with
five federal counts of conspiracy against the United States.

Watkins, of Woodstock, Ohio, told the Ohio Capital Journal last week that
she formed a group known as the Ohio State Regular Militia in 2019 and that
it had patrolled 12 protests to "protect people" on both sides. She said
she had served a tour in Afghanistan while in the Army. She also said she
was a member of the Oath Keepers.

"I didn't commit a crime. I didn't destroy anything. I didn't wreck
anything," Watkins said to the Journal, adding that the riot was a peaceful
protest that turned violent.

Crowl's mother, Teresa Rowe, said she was appalled to see pictures of him
in the Capitol. She said he had become radicalized after leaving the Marine

"I wish I could tell people what happened to him, but I don't know," Rowe

The arrests this weekend of several people with alleged ties to far-right
extremist groups, including the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys and the Three
Percenters, suggest that the riot was not an entirely impulsive outburst of
violence but an event instigated or exploited by organized groups. Hours of
video posted on social media and pored over by investigators have focused
on individuals in military-style gear moving together.

"This is the first step toward identifying and understanding that there was
some type of concerted conspiracy here," said one senior official with the
U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia, which is leading the

"Whether everyone else just happened to be there and got caught up in the
moment, or if this is just the tip of the iceberg, how much this will grow
at this point I can't tell you, but we are continuing to investigate
aggressively," according to the official, who spoke on the condition of
anonymity to discuss a pending investigation.

In charging papers, the FBI said that during the Capitol riot, Caldwell
received Facebook messages from unspecified senders updating him of the
location of lawmakers. When he posted a one-word message, "Inside," he
received exhortations and directions describing tunnels, doors and
hallways, the FBI said.

Some messages, according to the FBI, included, "Tom all legislators are
down in the Tunnels 3floors down," and "Go through back house chamber doors
facing N left down hallway down steps." Another message read: "All members
are in the tunnels under capital seal them in. Turn on gas," the FBI added.

Other arrests Tuesday also underscored law enforcement's concerns about
threats to elected leaders, particularly because so many of the
participants in the Jan. 6 chaos are still unidentified.

In New York, a Queens man who worked in the state court system was accused
Tuesday of making threats to murder Democratic politicians, including
suggesting another attack on the Capitol timed to Biden's inauguration. The
man was not at the riot on Jan. 6 but made threatening remarks about
Democratic politicians beforehand that intensified in a video he posted two
days later, which was titled "KILL YOUR SENATORS." In the video, he
encourages people to return to the Capitol and take up arms.

"If anybody has a gun, give it to me, I'll go there myself and shoot them
and kill them," the man said, according to the FBI.

In Caldwell's charging papers, the FBI said that it is reviewing
communications between Cald­well "and other known and unknown Oath Keepers

An FBI agent in court records said Caldwell helped organize a group of
eight to 10 individuals led by Watkins. Members of the group are seen on
video wearing helmets and military-style gear, and moving purposefully
toward the top of the Capitol steps and leading the move against police
lines, court records said.

A search of Watkins's home in Ohio found numerous firearms, cellphones,
pepper spray, a radio, a bag with a helmet and respirators, paintball guns,
pool cues cut down to baton size, and zip/cable ties, as well a camouflage
hat and jackets, the FBI said.

The FBI said without elaboration that it also recovered a document titled
"Making Plastic Explosives from Bleach," redacting the instructions in a
photo exhibit.

According to a 23-page affidavit, Caldwell in Facebook messages said he
scouted lodging for Watkins and others, starting at a Comfort Inn in
Ballston, Va., about eight miles from the Capitol, that "would allow us to
go hunting at night if we wanted to."

In an apparent reference to Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, Caldwell
wrote Jan. 1: "I don't know if Stewie has even gotten out his call to arms,
but it's a little friggin late. This is one we are doing on our own. We
will link up with the north carolina crew."

Meanwhile, the group was making contingency plans and focused on security,
the FBI said. Caldwell said he would probably "do pre-strike on the 5th"
and expected a man named Paul "will have the goodies in case things go bad
and we need to get heavy."

"Keep eyes on people with Red MAGA hats worn backward. Saw a report that
they were going to infiltrate crowd tomorrow," Crowl was warned Jan. 5 in
another Facebook message, as he prepared for what he called an "Oathkeepers
op," court documents said.

"Thanks Brother, but we are WAY ahead on that. We have infiltrators in
Their ranks. We are doing the W.H. in the am and early afternoon, rest up
at the Hotel, then headed back out tomorrow night ‘tifa' hunt'in. We expect
good hunting," Crowl responded, in an apparent reference to antifa
counterdemonstrators, the FBI said.

At some point on the day of the riot, Watkins posted to the social media
site Parler a photograph of herself in uniform, writing: "Me before forcing
entry into the Capitol Building. #stopthesteal #stormthecapitol
#oathkeepers #ohiomilitia," the FBI said. She added a photo of Crowl in
paramilitary gear and an Oath Keepers patch as "one of my guys," and the
pair allegedly took a selfie in video recorded in the Capitol Rotunda, the
FBI said.

Caldwell also posted a message after the riot, court documents said: "Us
storming the castle. Please share. . . . I am such an instigator!"

"Proud boys scuffled with cops and drove them inside to hide. Breached the
doors. One guy made it all the way to the house floor, another to Pelosi's
office. A good time," Caldwell added, according to the FBI.

In a Jan. 8 message to Crowl, the FBI said Caldwell added, "We stormed the
gates of corruption together (although on opposite sides of the building)
so between that and our first meeting and getting to know you since I can
say we will always be brothers!"

Jennifer Jenkins contributed to this report.
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