Dear all,

I would like to invite you to take part in a conversation with Wu Ming
1, Florian Cramer and myself tomorrow afternoon (March 12), as part of
our Disruptive Fridays series, at 5PM CET. We can get questions from the
audience via chat.
Read more here (and go to the chat):

Since 2020 we have been experiencing two pandemics at once: Covid-19 and
conspiracy fantasies about Covid-19. The pandemic emergency accelerated
a process that had been going on for years: the rise of a new kind of
hyper-charged, social-media-driven conspiracism. In this respect, QAnon
is a paradigmatic case.

What is QAnon, or what was it? A political movement, a game, a cult, a
terrorist threat? All that and more.

In this conversation QAnon is discussed as a template for contemporary
social-media-driven conspiracy fantasies that work simultaneously as
games and a new kind of cults. By focusing on the mutation of conspiracy
myths from countercultural phenomena to contemporary meme and influencer
culture, Florian Cramer and Wu Ming 1 will focus on three conspiracy
narratives: "The Great Replacement" (from Renaud Camus to
Charlottesville), QAnon (from Pizzagate to the Capitol storming) and
"The Great Reset" (as a set of pandemic-inspired variations on the old
New World Order trope).

The conversation is centered around Wu Ming 1's forthcoming book "La Q
di Qomplotto" [The Q in qonspiracy], to be published end of March in
Italian by Edizioni Alegre, which describes how conspiracy fantasies
help legitimise systems of control (find here the index in English

Join us tomorrow here at 5PM CET:

Get reminders from here (Facebook video):

This is a pre-event of our upcoming conference (March 18-20):
Whistleblowers, human rights advocates, journalists, activists, artists,
lawyers and researchers denouncing abuses and wrongdoing in the course
of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

All the best, and see you there!

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Founder & Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
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