Dear friends, 

Join us at the fourth conversation of the (re)programming series and 
participate with your questions in the live chat!



Strategies for Self-Renewal
Curated and conducted by Marta Peirano
February–November 2021 


(re)programming: Interdependence

Post-Human Politics

With Anab Jain


MON, 10 May 2021 at 7pm CET 

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Anab Jain’s work transports people into the future. The evolving installation  
<> Mitigation of Shock 
by her studio Superflux imagines a random apartment in the London of 2050, or 
in a Singapore that has become a flooded city in 2219. Both are equipped with 
an array of DIY interventions, hydroponic farms and other tools for gathering, 
capturing and storing both food and water under new climate regimes. While 
their technical solutions are fascinating (and actually work), it is the vision 
that prevails: we not only survive but also thrive, as we adapt and become 
smarter, stronger, fitter and better acquainted with other members of the 
planetary society. We tell ourselves stories in order to live, but we can 
realise better ones. 

Anab Jain is a designer, an artist and a filmmaker. She is a co-founder and 
Director of Superflux, a speculative design studio based in London that 
explores the intersections of climate crisis, technology and more-than-human 
politics. Along with her partner Jon Ardern, she has produced critically 
acclaimed films, art and installations projecting the many possible futures for 
humankind. She is also a teacher in the Design Investigations programme at the 
University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Anab has worked for some of the world’s 
biggest firms like Microsoft Research, Sony, Samsung and Nokia, as well as 
institutions like the Government of the UAE, Innovate UK, Cabinet Office UK, 
UNDP, Future Cities Catapult and Forum for the Future. She has exhibited work 
at MoMA New York, the National Museum of China and the V&A in London. She has 
earned honours from Apple Computers Inc., UNESCO, Geneva Human Rights Festival 
and TED.

Special guests: Saša Spačal, Anja Planišček and Špela Petrič

About the series

We have found ourselves at the crossroads of an existential decision: do we 
bring the mistakes of the enlightenment to their biological conclusion or do we 
develop a magical capacity to self-renew?
In the tenth edition of Tactics & Practice, the seminar and conference program 
led by Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art Ljubljana, we are going to 
invite world-class thinkers in crucial disciplines to discuss the ways in which 
we can repair our thought and behavioural patterns in order to keep us 
collectively safe. The series of eight interviews is curated and conducted by 
Marta Peirano, a writer and journalist specialized in researching the 
relationships between technology and power, who will seek answers to the 
question of what it will take for humanity to wake up and take action before 
it's too late. Thematic discussions, ranging from infrastructure and energy to 
community and artificial intelligence, will be held in English once a month. 
MORE <> 

Organised and produced by: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
In partnership with: Kino Šiška – Centre for Urban Culture
For the series: Tactics  <> & Practice
In the framework of: konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
Financial support: the Republic of Slovenia and the European Regional 
Development Fund of the European Union

Outreach partners: Disruption Network Lab, Drugo more, FILE Festival, 
Furtherfield, La Gaîté Lyrique, IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture], The 
Influencers, Institute of Network Cultures, Interface Cultures/Kunstuniversität 
Linz, MKC Maribor, Neural,  ∏Node, Sophia, Supermarkt, We Make Money Not Art



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