And the whole aborigine/first peoples discussion in Australia about not
screening or showing the faces of the dead!  Aborigines believe that it
strips the deceased of their spirit and, of course, it was all cool at
first to want to show ethnographic films and all, but now many have been
reclaimed by tribes due to the fact that the persons in them are dead.

typo in my last post - I meant "assets" not 'assists'


molly hankwitz - she/her

On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 11:00 PM Brian Holmes <>

> I agree, it is great to see restitution go from fringe idea 20 years ago
> to unfolding story today.
> There's great work in this direction by Ariella Azoulay, a historian of
> photography who says the image belongs to the person in it, so give it
> back. She is dead serious about that, in a way that directly threatens the
> so-called "universal / aka imperial / museums."
> On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 9:52 PM Molly Hankwitz <>
> wrote:
>> hi
>> I am frequently cranky about US and Europe and have Europe envy but that
>> might be nostalgic, but today I find this article below on this big show
>> opening in the Netherlands about artifacts stolen from colonial people and
>> the whole thing about giving them back...and I’m following this story with
>> great interest. I had read about the Dutch govt giving back stuff they’d
>> pillaged. Just as assists are becoming so invisible, right?
>> I teach in Art History and the post-colonial discourse has only just
>> begun to heat up after last summer and the civil rights movement. Kathy
>> High had sent me a document called Decentering Whiteness and  I’ve shared
>> it to my colleagues. Its’s focused upon design. But, wondering what other
>> strategies are being used in your worlds to counteract Western imperialist
>> history?
>> Maybe there are more bridges between our continents...all this
>> scholarship about the slave trade links us undisputedly, and now to think
>> that BLM would be influential Holland. I’m sorry if that is no longer the
>> name. I have often been jealous that European countries are able to change
>> their names.
>> Molly
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