This is article and book is a great reminder of the amazing ACT UP movement . Attending their meetings in Cooper Union in the early 90s was one of the most memorable moments of my life. It had impact on the fight against AIDS it also changed people's ideas about everything that activism could be.

What ACT UP’s successes can teach today’s protest movements
Sarah Schulman

Our group, which forced the US to step up in fighting Aids in the 80s and 90s, favoured direct action over debate

As we move into a new phase of the Covid crisis, it is hard to miss how the pandemic reveals the fissures in our society. Communities and countries of poor people of colour cannot access vaccines that are readily available to the most powerful and protected. Covid has been compared to Aids, but today’s pandemic is a collective public experience while Aids – especially during its height – was a private nightmare. Our group, ACT UP, fought to get it out into the public consciousness.

Five years after science first noticed the pattern of illness that would come to be known as Aids, 40,000 people were dead in the United States and the government and pharmaceutical companies were doing nothing. ACT UP (The Aids Coalition to Unleash Power) was founded in 1987 to use direct action to end the Aids pandemic. I was an active member of this grassroots political organisation, having covered the crisis as a journalist in New York since the early 80s. In many ways, Aids activism was one of the most successful social movements in recent history.

In its first six years of existence, ACT UP transformed how pharmaceutical companies approached Aids medications by pushing for the use of unregulated treatments, and forced the government to make experimental drugs available to people who needed them. ACT UP won huge victories for women and poor people when we forced authorities to make needle exchange legal in New York City. ACT UP fought for four years to expand the government’s definition of Aids to include women’s symptoms, so that women could also qualify for benefits and get access to experimental treatments. ACT UP confronted the Catholic church when it tried to stop condom distribution in public schools, started housing for homeless people with Aids, and transformed how queer people and people with Aids were depicted in the media.

I was a rank-and-file member, attending the major actions, going to meetings, living inside the group’s counter culture, and getting arrested twice: first at “Trumpsgiving” where we sat in at Trump Towers demanding housing for homeless people with Aids, and then on the “Day of Desperation” when ACT UP protested against the first Gulf war by occupying Grand Central Station and interrupting television news programmes, chanting: “Fight Aids, not Arabs.” Although I was an experienced activist from the women’s reproductive rights movement of the 1970s and 80s, I had never been in an organisation with so many resources, that was able to be so optimally effective, determining our agenda by making the needs of people with Aids its central drive.

It is very difficult to access activist histories, and that is why my new book, Let the Record Show, is not rooted in nostalgia. Instead I interviewed 188 surviving members of ACT UP over 18 years and collated the most important strategies and tactics, many of which can be of use today.

The biggest takeaways for today’s protest movements from ACT UP’s legacy are: it was not a consensus-based movement, not everyone had to agree on a strategy or action; a direct action movement, the needs of its members determined its agenda; while sectional interests were not allowed to get in the way of the aims of the organisation. ACT UP was solution-focused in its approach; eschewed corporate and government funding and raised its money primarily through community-based fundraising such as selling highly creative T-shirts and visual artwork. We were not afraid to proactively challenge the institutions comprising the power structure it fought against.

There was no time for theoretical debate. As one of the leaders, Maxine Wolfe, would often say: theory “emerged” from action. As ACT UP moved forward with a campaign, questions would emerge about how to do the action, and that is when people’s values would cohere. But there was no time wasted on debate that had no real-world application. To this end, women and people of colour in ACT UP did not stop the action to do “consciousness raising” for men or white people on sexism and racism. After all, you can spend your life trying to change one person and fail. Instead, they marshalled the ample resources of the larger organisation to run campaigns that benefited women and people of colour with HIV.

Decisions did not have to be unanimous and people did not have to agree. There was a one-line principle of unity: “Direct action to end the Aids crisis.” So if members wanted to do direct action (as opposed to social service positions, such as caring for those dying from Aids) they could. There was no effort to force the entire organisation to agree on one strategy or analysis. As a direct action movement, ACT UP was an organisation of and for people with Aids.

ACT UP created the solutions. Instead of being in an infantilised relationship to the powers that be, asking them to solve the problems, ACT UP became the experts on their issues, creating reasonable, winnable and doable solutions. ACT UP then presented them to the authorities. When those in power refused change, ACT UP would do what Martin Luther King called “self-purification”, or what ACT UP called “non-violent civil disobedience training”: a process of questioning moral strength and whether we could withstand the violence being inflicted without retaliating. We would then do non-violent creative direct action, to communicate through the media (not to the media) to pressure the institutions to change.

The organisation was not afraid of alienating institutions of power and was happy to fight across borders. We directly confronted the Catholic church by interrupting mass. We took on the New York Times (which ACT UP called “the New York Crimes”), the art world (taking visual art out of the galleries and into public space), the US government, and private pharmaceutical companies. ACT UP stood with Haitian refugees when the US did not want Black immigrants, and fought for HIV-positive people in Puerto Rico.

Today, America’s political movements against police violence, for Black lives, for immigration reform and for Palestine solidarity all have openly queer and trans people in leadership. Queer, trans and people with Aids are no longer forced into an LGBT-only context. Let’s use this new landscape to build a radical democracy, big tent movement where like-minded people can build effective campaigns around creative solutions, and stand shoulder to shoulder without demanding conformity and forced agreement. Let the needs of those most in danger set the agenda and lead the way.

Sarah Schulman is a writer and activist. Her latest book, Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP, New York, 1987-1993, is out now

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