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From: <> on behalf of Geert Lovink 
Date: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 4:23 AM
To: a moderated mailing list for net criticism <>
Subject: <nettime> In three hours: Bernard Stiegler Memorial Lecture


Bernard Stiegler Memorial Lecture 2021 (on Zoom)

Thursday, 5 August 2021
20:00-21:30 (Beijing), 14:00-15:30 (Paris)

The Research Network for Philosophy and Technology together with the China 
Academy of Art launches an annual memorial lecture dedicated to Bernard 
Stiegler (1 April 1952-5 August 2020). Stiegler has been an advisor to the 
Network since its establishment in 2014, and has been a distinguished professor 
at the China Academy of Art from 2015-2019, where he developed a new agenda of 
research for art, philosophy and technology. The inaugural memorial lecture in 
2021 starts with an opening address by Professor Gao Shiming, the president of 
the China Academy of Art, followed by a lecture by Professor Yuk Hui.


Please register to join:


Gao Shiming 高世名

President @China Academy of Art

Gao Shiming is the President of China Academy of Art. He is an art historian, 
theorist and curator of the Farewell to Post-colonialism, the 3rd Guangzhou 
Triennial, 2008; and Rehearsal, the 8th Shanghai Biennale, 2010. He is the 
founding chair of CAA’s Curatorial Studies Department (the first curatorial 
program in China), and founding director of the School of Inter-Media Art, and 
China Institute for Visual Studies. He is also one of the initiators of 
Inter-Asia School and Bandung School.

Yuk Hui 許煜

Associate Professor @City University of Hong Kong

Yuk Hui is the initiator of the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology. 
He wrote his doctoral thesis under Bernard Stiegler at the Goldsmiths College 
in London and completed his Habilitation at the Leuphana University in 
Lüneburg. Since 2015, he has been a visiting professor at the China Academy of 
Art, where he taught a master class with Bernard Stiegler every spring. He 
currently teaches at the City University of Hong Kong. He is author of several 
monographs, including Recursivity and Contingency (2019), and Art and 
Cosmotechnics (2021).

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