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Strategies for Self-Renewal
Curated and conducted by Marta Peirano
February–November 2021 


(re)programming: The Cloud

Everything Is Not Connected
With Joana Moll

Monday, 20 September 2021 at 7 PM CET

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In the sixth episode of the (re)programming, we explore the environmental and 
social impact of The Cloud and the data extraction industry with artist and 
researcher Joana Moll and the curator of the programme Marta Peirano. How much 
CO2 is released into the atmosphere every time we lazy-Google the name of an 
actor? How much freedom do we give up every time we swipe left on Tinder?
Digital platforms have made a business out of removing us from our real 
communities and replacing them with a controlled simulation of connection that 
only exists as a directory in a massive server commonly regarded as The Cloud. 
Algorithmically created out of similar tastes, pet hates and grievances, it is 
designed as a data extraction machine and a container for targeted advertising, 
gamified to maximize the anticipated user’s compulsion and company’s profit. 
But the remarkable success of The Cloud has not only detached us from our 
natural habitats, it is also actively destroying them.

Joana Moll <> 's work critically explores the way 
techno-capitalist narratives affect the alphabetization of machines, humans and 
ecosystems. Her main research topics include Internet materiality, 
surveillance, social profiling and interfaces.

Special guests: Dušan Caf, Luka Frelih, Filip Muki Dobranić

About the series
The tenth edition of Tactics  <> & Practice: 
(re)programming is a festival of conversations with world-class thinkers in 
crucial disciplines that discuss the ways in which we can repair our thought 
and behavioural patterns in order to keep us collectively safe. The programme 
is led and curated online by Marta Peirano. Watch previous episodes:

- Kim Stanley Robinson: Trigger: What Does it Take to Change the Future? 
- Benjamin Bratton: Infrastructure: An Alternative Earth 
- Holly Jean Buck: Energy: Can We Repair the Climate? 
- Anab Jain: Interdependence: Post-Human Politics 
- Kate Crawford: AI: Better Machines for Better Humans 



Organised and produced by: Aksioma <>  – Institute for 
Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
In partnership with: Kino Šiška – Centre for Urban Culture
For the series: Tactics  <> & Practice
In the framework of: konS <>  – Platform for 
Contemporary Investigative Art

The project konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art was chosen on 
the public call for the selection of the operations “Network of Investigative 
Art and Culture Centres”. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of 
Slovenia and by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union.

Outreach partners: Disruption Network Lab, Drugo more, FILE – Electronic 
Language, International Festival, Furtherfield, La Gaîté Lyrique, IMPAKT 
[Centre for Media Culture], The Influencers, Institute of Network Cultures, 
Interface Cultures | Kunstuniversität Linz, MKC Maribor, Neural, ∏Node, Založba 
Sophia, Supermarkt, We Make Money Not Art.

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