I suspect you are correct with regards to attempting transcendence.

The disconnect of its core products plunging into a lack of relevance, reputation, morality, etc. together with its present accumulated wealth provides an opportunity to create and then pivot an umbrella Alphabet analog to transcend Metastasis?

On 02/11/2021 16:58, Jon Lebkowsky wrote:
My interpretation of this change is that the company wants to transcend the FB application. This is probably partly from a concern that the FB app will be regulated out of existence or will otherwise lose users and traction. It's also an acknowledgement that the company has accumulated so much wealth and attention that it doesn't have to lean on the app, it can branch out and do many other things. This could  be a jump-the-shark moment, but I've avoided saying so because, in the early days of Facebook's evolution, I predicted its demise several times. Usually because it had done something stupid, but Zuckerberg kept finding his way back.

On Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 5:54 AM mp <m...@aktivix.org> wrote:

    On 02/11/2021 02:26, Brian Holmes wrote:
    > Alphabet was realistic. Meta looks desperate. I have the same
    impression as
    > you, Michael. It will come to nothing.

    Could this be more of a necessary share-holder reference/pointer,
    opening new doors and preparing a pathway to shed FB if it becomes too
    much of a liability? From an organisational PoV is makes sense, right?

    From another perspective: In a sense it already came to something.

    Facebook as a medium of social relations has already grabbed much
    and intentions.

    In many places and for what concerns many topics, struggles and
    mobilisations, what is called 'activism' and which used to be
    in groups meeting in dark cellars with the phone batteries removed, is
    now often exclusively done on Facefuck. Not on, you're out of the

    Once the "resistance" lives deep inside the beally of the matrix
    then, ha, it must be time for Resistance 2.0

    But what the Facefuck do I know, I've never been on it.

    "...So I decided to take my work back underground, To stop it falling
    into the wrong hands..."
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Jon Lebkowsky (@jonl)
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