The Institute of Network Cultures is looking for theorists, researchers, 
journalists, artists, activists, designers and other creatives and thinkers 
that are working on meme studies and practices, that want to participate in two 
upcoming events: 

A workshop during the concluding programme of the Berlin Transmediale 2021–22 
festival at Transmediale Studio in Berlin on the 27th of January, 2022
A one day INC conference at Spui25 in Amsterdam on the 18th of February, 2022
The (political) power of memes has moved beyond virtual images. The distinction 
between the virtual and ‘real life’ no longer applies, or perhaps was never 
really there. Their effects (or should we say affects) are moving through 
digital infrastructures, policy, regulations and bodies. If memes are used as a 
tool by the alt-right to mobilize people to storm the Capitol, can they also be 
used by the left to spark a revolution, as memetic warfare is more immediate 
and accessible than real-life demonstrations? What kind of labour would that 
require? And what if memetic logics of spreading information were applied to 
spread progressive ideas for a possible future?

Formats could include keynote talks, panel discussions, case studies, 
interviews, workshops, poetry readings, video essays, art performances, or 
other yet to be defined formats. We are specifically looking for local 
perspectives, examples and regional theories from around the globe. 

Deadline for proposals for both events: 21-12-2021
Further information and questions: 
Both events are curated by Chloë Arkenbout and Geert Lovink. Selected 
participants will be contacted before Christmas. Participation is voluntary but 
travel fee and accomodation can be compensated. INC is able to assist in 
finding additional funding and letters for travel grants and VISA invitations 
can be provided.

INC Conference
Memes Beyond the Image: Political Memetic Tacticality
February 18, 2022
Spui25, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 

During a one day conference at Spui25 in Amsterdam, the INC is hosting three 
sessions that consist of up to three or four projects, in the following themes: 
Memetic Warfare, Meme Labour and Speculative Memes. We are looking for 
proposals for all sessions. 

transmediale x INC
Memes Beyond the Image: Memes for Refusal 
January 27, 2022
transmediale studio, Gerichtstr. 35, 13347 Berlin, Germany 

Mapping out the political agency of refusal and exploring its potential to form 
new socio-political realities, transmediale 2021-22 concludes its year long 
inquiry with an exhibition at Akademie der Künste running from 26 January to 18 
February, and a symposium at Haus der Kulturen der Welt on 28 and 29 January. 
Investigating how morality and damage are used to order the world, the festival 
will challenge ideas of technology as smooth and seamless, and highlight the 
centrality of dysfunctionality in the logics and operations of technology. With 
a breath of dark humor, impudence, and artifice, the festival asks what 
possibilities of refusal are there in confronting the realities of technology? 

We are looking for creatives and thinkers that are working on similar themes, 
in the context of the political memetic tacticality, to host a 2-4 hour event 
(formats are open for interpretation and could include a workshop or panel 
discussion for example) with us at transmediale studio on the morning of the 
27th of January, the day before the official transmediale symposium starts. 

Please note that the audience capacity and physical/hybrid/online state of both 
events are dependent on the current local covid measures. Some flexibility for 
these projects might be required. 

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