super Salvatore!
i also think that the point is political and cultural than technical...
this was a group of discussion during this year that we organized and we
articulated the issue in a very similar way...

emanuele braga

On Fri, 24 Dec 2021 at 09:30, xDxD.vs.xDxD <> wrote:

> hi everyone
> as you probably have seen Brian Eno has expressed harshly about NFTs:
> many have expressed in similar ways, while many others see an opportunity
> here, i wanted to share two article i wrote: one now and the previous one
> in 2017
> the first is this one:
> and the previous one is a sort of pre-requisite:
> both try to make a cultural/mediological/psychological analysis more
> accessible (as you can see, the style and spaces for publication are
> generalistic)
> i was wondering if anyone here has a similar approach and, of course,
> differences and critiques which we can discuss
> i wish you all happy holidays, if you can, and best of wishes for those
> who cannot
> Salvatore
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