It has been many years since I have written to you all, via the Nettime
network, however I've been lurking and reading your analysis of the ongoing
resurgence of fascism. Unfortunately I'm writing today to bring your
attention to the current situation in downtown Ottawa, Canada.
A group of fascists, literal white supremacists, have occupied the downtown
core, a mixed commercial residential neighbourhood adjacent to Parliament
Hill, the location of Canada's federal government.
They've done so under the guise of a convoy of truckers protesting pandemic
policies, however their use of trucks as weapons, staging, and symbolism
does not make them representatives of the labour in the logistics industry.
Rather these extremists are well funded, organized, and part of the larger
international authoritarian movement that is exploiting the pandemic
induced social and public health crisis.
Their occupation began last weekend, and while their numbers have
diminished, reinforcements are expected on the weekend, as other
occupations are expected to spread across the country, including one that
is currently blockading a border crossing in Coutts Alberta.
One of the more disturbing responses to these coordinated fascist actions,
are the passive if not open support coming from law enforcement. In Ottawa,
much to the horror of residents suffering under the occupation, the police
have done nothing to prevent harassment and attacks on residents.
Felix, I'm reminded of an event you and I experienced together in the late
90s in Toronto that I recall you writing about. It was an occupation of a
bank in Toronto at Bay and King by student radicals. They were holding a
sit in on the ground floor for several hours. The bank issued a press
release saying they supported the students struggle against the government,
and the government issued a press release saying they supported the
students struggle against the bank.
You noted that there was no longer any capital in the physical bank, so
therefore no threat. All were content to leave the students be until they
got tired and hungry. The occupation was useless, because power was no
longer in the bank headquarters, but instead in the bank's computers.
A similarly dynamic is at play in this occupation. The government continues
to function, now largely working remotely. The occupiers can terrorize
local residents, but the government is not directly threatened. Hence the
police and state do nothing to stop these fascists. Even worse, the police
brass and municipal officials openly say they are afraid of violent
confrontation with these fascists who all perceive as being armed.
Without irony, a primary demand of the occupiers is control of government.
This would all be hilarious if it weren't also too real.
And it is a symbolic victory for the international fascist movement.
Hence why I am writing today.
Please look at what is happening in Ottawa.
Do a quick search on Twitter or your preferred social media to see what is
being said. By the occupiers. By their supporters. By the people being
occupied. And those of us who are placing this in a larger global context.
Shit is fucked up and bullshit.

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