Hi to everyone,
I don't write frequently on the list but I'm pretty tired of the association of provax with science vs novax against science.
I'm definitively against the vaccine mandate and strongly against the pass.
In Italy I know people with the pass that were positive but because they had the pass
they took an airplane... and you tell me the pass is a solution?

I don't believe these measures because I trust science,
and pharmaceutical science until before the pandemic was based on cautionary principle
that has been thrown in the bin.

If the vaccine is working so well why do we still have 400 dead by day in Italy? I agree the vaccine for elderly but a mandate for everyone doesn't make any sense
when the average age of death is 82.
and BTW people are dying because badly cured,
in Italy we're still relying on a protocol based on "paracetamol and watchful waiting"
that's only killing people
and that's what science says.

On 22/01/2022 12:00, nettime-l-requ...@mail.kein.org wrote:
"Moral shaming" is an appropriate
measure considering that vaccine deniers are causing
problems we otherwise wouldn't be having - and they
are causing deaths.

That's really not the case, we still have "problems" because Omicron doesn't care at all about the vaccine and by the way all my family isn't vaccinated, more than 20 people, everyone got it in January and it was less severe that a flu, also my parents who are over 70 and not vaccinated.

Young people is dying less not for the vaccine but because the virus is milder... and btw you'll never know if vaccinated people got it milder because of the vaccine or not becasue there's no control group...

In my humble experience I only know people who got Covid without any problem
while I know people who got severe problems from the vaccine, but perhaps I'm unfortunate...

BTW I'm vaccinated because unless I couldn't work.

so please stop to make an equation between vaccine and science that doesn't make any sense.
Do you want to have a vaccine, please do it
but don't blame the no vax
rather the state that should build new hospital, more beds, raise the paycheck to nurses
rather giving billions to pharmaceutical companies

This war between vax and novax has been created in order to divide us,
the longtime classic "divide et impera"...

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