Joseph Rabie wrote:



A new and intense awareness of mutual dependency and the collective agency of 
which we are capable was the great revelation of the pandemic and our only hope 
of survival. 


This is not new, it has always been the case in times of disaster. This has 
been very much the case in wartime, in the solidarity shown by the people in 
accepting material, and even mortal, sacrifices, however just or unjust the 


Actually Joseph I think quite a lot is new… going as far back as November 2020 
I wrote post which pointed to the proposition that before the pandemic if 
anyone had suggested that under conditions, other than war, that wealthy 
technologically advanced states were capable of shutting down 80% of the global 
economy, furloughing large swathes of the workforce along with 1.4 billion 
students as well as bringing mass air transportation to a grinding halt, the 
proposition would not just have been dismissed.

As the usually sober and measured political economist Helen Thomas declared  
“We have to face up to the fact that we have been through something, as a 
world,.. that in some sense was beyond our imaginations in the west at the 
beginning of this year.” The appearance of this degree of agency led the other 
participant in the discussion, Adam Tooze to declare this to be -THE shock 
discovery of 2020- “hands down, flat out, the most extraordinary thing that has 
ever happened in modern economic history.”
 Re-reading this article reminds me that at the time Brian was already 
deploying the concept of an eco-state..

David Garcia


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