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Message: 1
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2022 19:54:39 -0500
From: Keith Sanborn <>
To: patrice riemens <>
Cc: Nettimepost <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> The War to come ...
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=utf-8

When I was in Russia in 2008 for 5.5 months, I recorded a lot of tv footage. 
The piece linked here is based on a series of commercials on Telekanal Zvezda 
(i.e. The military?s own star channel, complete with red star). At the time, 
all I remember them showing besides these commercials were old Soviet era war 

I paired this with some other footage from Youtube, which I considered equally 
obscene and provocative, though in a different way.;;sdata=bpvbUPE0oQOPtOWMF80YGqWG1JzGj5Cby7UzMYkW%2FXE%3D&amp;reserved=0

I asked my students at the Smolny Institute (now defunct, then a collaborative 
project between Bard College and the University of St. Petersburg) what was 
going on in these commercials. They could only say, ?Russian incompetence.? The 
Russian titles are a recuperation of the famous inversion of the genitive, so 
dear to the situationists. They read: The Force of Beauty, the Beauty of Force. 
One could translate the word Silo (????) by Strength, but it also figures in 
the Russian phrase for the Armed Forces, so I kept it as Force and that 
translation seems more apposite now than ever.

Russia in 2008 practiced and now practices conscription; military service is 
required. It is also brutal, with many incidents of hazing, and of officers 
extorting the grunts for their pay. This is information I heard in Russia from 
Russians, not in the USSA.

This piece, which pairs the commercials with other footage was part of a 
project called ?Equivalences? which was a large scale installation, installed 
only once in Antwerp. It was largely based on Youtube footage.

The current invasion in Ukraine is somehow rooted in a very long term plan. 
This footage plays some strange role in it.

Not for the faint hearted.



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