I might be confused but I wonder if this statement at about 37 min into this 
youtube seminar given by Christo Grozev calls the veracity of this FSB 
dissident into question ? 



I remember reading a less rough translation of this text by Igor Sushko which 
he posted as a twitter thread which I saw as a re-tweet from Felix. I remember 

that it was too good to be true. But as I was informed the source was 
Bellingcat this gave me hope that it might be accurate. It looks like I was 
right to be sceptical.     



Greetings nettimers after an absence of oh, two decades. 


I've been following a bit the last couple weeks of posts on Ukraine and related 
subjects and there's much to meditate on. And thanks to Ted Byfield for 
pointing me in the general direction of this discussion.


I wanted to call your attention to a rather remarkable document that Christo 
Grozev (of Bellingcat) dropped last Saturday, seemingly written by an FSB 
'dissident' (to the extent that such a term can be used in that context):




Here's the rough-and-ready English translation:




...and there's a German translation in the twitter thread. Weirdly, the 'voice' 
of the author immediately reminded me of the Scientist character in Tarkovsky's 
Stalker. You know the one, he smuggled a portable nuke into The Zone. 


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