Andre, what great news!

An earlier exhibition by your network (which everyone just calls "the Red",
ha ha, how perfect in English) came under the title Perder la forma humana
(To Lose Human Form). It was an astonishing exhibition, which depended on
recreating many works from archival traces, and which revealed how the
formation of subcultures (sexual especially) took place in Latin America in
the Eighties, often during the gradual decline of dictatorships. That was a
great show, and anyone who's curious can find a catalog pdf out there
somewhere I reckon.

What is the undercurrent of this new exhibition? I mean, what did you

I managed to catch Perder la forma humana in Buenos Aires, what luck. Will
this one travel? BA again maybe? Somewhere in US?

All the best, Brian

On Sun, May 15, 2022, 15:48 Andre Mesquita <> wrote:

> Dear Nettimers,
> I'm very happy to announce we are opening this week the exhibition
> "Graphic Turn: Like the Ivy on the Wall" at the Reina Sofia museum, a
> project by Red Conceptualismos del Sur.
> I am sending here the link with more information about the exhibition and
> English, and I am sure that many of you will be interested in the project.
> And here is the folder in Spanish (it will be published in English soon):
> I hope you can visit If you are in Madrid!
> Best
> André
> --
> *André Mesquita*
> Red Conceptualismos del Sur: <>
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