Dear Nettimers,

I would like to inform you about the upcoming conference of the
Disruption Network Lab, TRANSITIONING: Art, Politics & Technologies of
Gender Change, that will take place at the Kunstquartier Bethanien
(Berlin) on June 17-19, 2022.

The event aims to address the complexities of gender transition for both
young people and those who have long fought for this right, and to
present the implications of this practice in the realms of art, culture,
society and human rights. The programme series includes a conference,
film screenings, two community meet-ups and a community workshop.

The series explores designs of identity and sexuality both in the online
environment and in everyday life. It brings into dialogue artists,
activists, performers, transgender rights advocates, medical experts,
and the grassroots of international and Berlin's LGBTQI+ community.

Below you find the schedule and here you can read the details of the
full programme:


## Friday, June 17 · 2022 (Berlin & Streaming)

16:30 · Doors Open
17:00—17:10 · Introduction
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE)

17:10–18:15 · PANEL  ·  Diane Torr: Performing Gender, Beyond Gender
Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat (Artist & Art Therapist, FR/DE), in conversation
with Stephen Bottoms (Professor of Contemporary Theatre and Performance,
University of Manchester, UK).

18:30–20:00 · KEYNOTE  · Insurgent Hearts
Drew Pham/Dahlia Damoiselle (U.S. Military Veteran, Educator, Sex
Worker, US). Moderated by Jay Bernard (Writer & Activist, UK/DE).

20:15–21:15 · PERFORMANCE  · King-ing the Drag – Drag-ing the King
21:15–21:45 · Q&A with Bridge Markland (Performance Artist, DE).
Moderated by Nancy Lund (Drag Performer, UK/DE).

## Saturday, June 18 · 2022 (Berlin & Streaming)

16:00 · Doors Open
16:30–17:30 · INSIGHT · Trans Community in Ukraine: During the War and
Anastasiia Yeva Domani (Executive Director Cohort NGO, UA). Translated
and moderated by Filip Noubel (Managing Editor at Global Voices, UA/CZ/DE).

17:45–19:15 · KEYNOTE · Science Won’t Save Us: What Will?
Os Keyes (Researcher, Writer & Activist, University of Washington, US),
Mallory Moore (Activist & Researcher, UK). Moderated by Adrian de Silva
(Research Scientist, University of Luxembourg, LU).

19:30–21:30 · PANEL · Hacking Biocodes:  Social Revolt, Virtual Worlds &
Viral Love Biohack
Helena Velena (Hacktivist, Artist & Technologist, IT), Shu Lea Cheang
(Artist & Filmmaker, TW/US/FR), Jira Duguid (Artist & Member of Fantasia
Malware, AU/DE). Moderated by Margherita Pevere (Artist & Researcher,

## Sunday, June 19 · 2022 · Not Streamed

11:30-13:30 · WORKSHOP · The Empire Strikes Back: A Workshop on the
ICD-11 and Trans* Self-Definition.
With Sonia Anastasia Steinmann (Community Organizer, MA Gender Studies,
Humboldt University, US/DE/GR).

14:30–16:30 · WORKSHOP · Mapping and Monitoring Anti-Trans Movements.
With Os Keyes (Researcher, Writer & Activist, University of Washington,
US), Mallory Moore (Activist & Researcher, UK).

18:00–19:45 · FILM SCREENING · Sex n Drag n Rock n Role ·  Free · Not
A Selection of Films in Homage to Diane Torr (Performer, Director & Drag
King Pioneer, UK). Introduced by Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat (Artist & Art
Therapist, FR/DE).

19:45–20:30 · Q&A · Free · Not Streamed
Bartholomew Sammut (Founder, XPOSED Queer Film Festival Berlin, DE),
Stephen Bottoms (Professor of Contemporary Theatre and Performance,
University of Manchester, UK), Helen Varley Jamieson (Artist, Producer &
Performer, NZ/DE), Laura Meritt (Sex Activist & Researcher, DE).
Moderated by Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat (Artist & Art Therapist).

More info:

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
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