Dear Nettimers,

one more announcement mail, this time for a series of interviews dealing critically with AI. Hope it is relevant for the list. best, Francis

Five Video Interviews about AI with Magda Tyzlik-Carver, Nick Couldry & Ulises Mejias, Adam Harvey, Elisa Giardina Papa and Matteo Pasquinelli

»Emotion and Artificial Intelligence – The Myth of Universality, Transparency, and Truth« with Elisa Giardina Papa

Elisa Giardina Papa investigates emotion and data as productive force of Artificial Intelligence, from a feminist perspective on the precarious labor conditions, which occur along AI’s production.

»So, basically now when the client of The Invisible Boyfriend app is connecting, the app is really connecting not to a bot, but to a globally dispersed workforce of around 600 writers. So this is a kind of a human-machine-assemblage that I'm thinking about, when I address artificial intelligence systems.«


»Exploring the Economic and Social Roots of AI« with Matteo Pasquinelli

An overview interview with Matteo Pasquinelli about the ideological, the logical, the technical and the social form of AI.

»Let's take self-driving cars, because they are indeed a mythological object. They are experiments, but we don't have them properly mass produced and used in everyday life yet. The self-driving car for me is a good example, because the self-driving car, has the vision to automate a very complex form of labor that is the labor of the driver.«


»Data Colonialism« with Nick Couldry & Ulises Mejias

Ulises Mejias and Nick Couldry discuss data as an abstraction of life and describe how data is extracted and colonially exploited for AI. 

»Whether we’re talking about value or labor or subjectivity or social relations, it’s all becoming digital information that can be amassed, can be processed and used to control not just workers in the factories. But also to control and to capitalize on people who are not working. So it’s now outside of that area, of that domain of work.«


»Face Recognition Datasets« with Adam Harvey

Adam Harvey is critically examining artificial intelligence training data for face recognition.

»I don’t think, it’s possible to destroy the complete face detection/computer vision existing  infrastructure, and nor do I want to. But to limit its growth and limit its dangerous potential to grow and know more and more about who you are and what you’re looking at, how you’re moving, and with who you around.«


»Curating Data« with Magda Tyzlik-Carver

Magda Tyzlik-Carver explores the webs of relationships between humans and the non-human of software and algorithms. In doing so, she ties into the concepts of the ›post-human‹.

»Because we are so involved in this, we need more educational competency about data. It’s important to know how data is processed and also how to actually intervene, how to step into an artist role, and analyze what’s happening, how not to take it for granted.«



This is a series of interviews accompanying Training the Archive, a joint project of Ludwig Forum Aachen and Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University. Training the archive explores the applicability of artificial intelligence to art and the curation of art.

The project is dedicated to visual archives and the question of how new contexts can be created in these collections using machine learning. Francis Hunger conducts interviews with artists, curators and theorists who have made significant contributions to the research field in recent years.

Training the Archive is funded by the Digital Culture programme of the Federal Cultural Foundation and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).


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