Thanks August, for letting us know about this. Here below is my letter to the 


I am writing from Vancouver, Canada, because I am worried that the 
international reputation of Ö1 and the ÖRF will be damaged by the cancellation 
of Kunstradio.

Kunstradio is unique. It makes the Ö1 a radio service like no other. It 
demonstrates the ÖRF as a global leader in innovation and excellence. 
Kunstradio is the most important regular broadcast of sound and radio art in 
the world. This fact is well known. Through its long history, its rich archive 
and its rigorous programs, Kunstradio is widely regarded as a world art 
treasure. In today's rapidly evolving multimedia and network culture, the field 
of experimental radio art has become more widespread and more relevant than 
ever before. Now is the time to expand the scope of Kunstradio, not reduce it. 
To cancel this broadcast would be a scandal.

I therefore urge you to please continue the excellent work of supporting this 
essential cultural service.

Hank Bull

> On Oct 4, 2022, at 11:50 AM, august <> wrote:
> Dear Nettime,
> The Austrian National radio is in the process of removing multiple cultural 
> programs from its public broadcasting in what looks like a move to flatten 
> the dimension of public programming altogether. 
> The directors are completely cutting projects such as Kunstradio and 
> Zeit-Ton, that have been respectively producing programs of 
> radio/transmission art and new music for decades.
> Started by Heidi Grundmann in the late 80's and directed by Elisabeth 
> Zimmermann since a decade or more, Kunstradio ( is 30+ 
> year old beacon of cultural, experimental, and radical activity on the 
> airwaves and beyond. It is no doubt a space and environment where many 
> nettimers have made projects.
> The late artist and early nettimer, Robert Adrian X, was also heavily 
> involved in the ongoing development of kunstradio online, spearheading early 
> web and streaming projects as well as its web archive (the ongoing retro 
> html1 aesthetic is a salute to his media philosophy and ethics).
> Please consider signing this petition (in German) :
> Also consider writing to to express some discontent.
> read more here (in German): 
> -August.
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