Dear nettimers, a much better 2023 for all of you. Seeing is believing is my 
feeling at the moment when it comes to the predicted dismantling of players 
like Google and Facebook as part of the Great Exodus and the following Silicon 
Valley Implosion. Can we unstuck from the platforms? What I personally find 
frightening and depressing is to look back at the Lost Decade when it comes to 
development of social media alteratives. Here is a draft essay, written by 
Harry Halpin and me on work done in that field in the scene of French philopher 
Bernard Stiegler—already over a decade ago. Enjoy and be inspired, talk soon. 

Harry Halpin & Geert Lovink: Another Social Network is Possible!–On Bernard 
Stiegler and the Social Media Question

In this tribute to Bernard Stiegler, we highlight an obscure yet important 
episode in his work: Stiegler’s contribution to the debate on the future of 
social media. This theoretical and technical work was done at the Institut de 
la Recherche et l’Innovation, the World Wide Web Consortium and the Unlike Us 
network in the period 2011-2014. As demonstrated by tracing Facebook’s lineage 
to a reading of the concept of mimesis from Girard by Thiel, already then the 
toxic influence of Facebook on the mental condition of young users was known. 
In contrast, Stiegler’s work quickly focused on alternative architectures and 
the development of new concepts: Another social network is possible.

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