
I've been trying out the sha_ni instructions available on some newer
x86_64 processors.

Below replacement for sha1-compress.asm seems to run on roughly 2
cycles/byte when I benchmark it on an "AMD Ryzen 7 1700X" cpu in the gcc
compile farm. Still sligthly slower than openssl, to squeeze out a few
more cycles, it might help to change the sha1_compress interface to let
it process more than one 64-byte block at a time.

I hope to be able to wire it up via fat-x86_64.c reasonably soon. In the
mean time, if anyone wants to try it out, just change the
sha1-compress.asm symlink to point to this file.



C x86_64/sha_ni/sha1-compress.asm

   Copyright (C) 2018 Niels Möller

   This file is part of GNU Nettle.

   GNU Nettle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of either:

     * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
       Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
       option) any later version.


     * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
       Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       option) any later version.

   or both in parallel, as here.

   GNU Nettle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and
   the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.  If
   not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

C Register usage.

C Arguments

define(<ABCD_ORIG>, <%xmm7>)
define(<E_ORIG>, <%xmm8>)

C QROUND(M0, M1, M2, M3, E0, E1, TYPE)
define(<QROUND>, <
        sha1nexte $1, $5
        movdqa  ABCD, $6
        sha1msg2 $1, $2
        sha1rnds4 <$>$7, $5, ABCD
        sha1msg1 $1, $4
        pxor    $1, $3

        .file "sha1-compress.asm"

        C _nettle_sha1_compress(uint32_t *state, uint8_t *input)

        .byte 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0
        C save all registers that need to be saved
        W64_ENTRY(2, 10)
        movups  (STATE), ABCD
        movd    16(STATE), E0
        movups  (INPUT), MSG0
        movdqa  .Lswap_mask(%rip), SWAP_MASK
        pshufd  $0x1b, ABCD, ABCD
        pshufd  $0x1b, E0, E0
        movdqa  ABCD, ABCD_ORIG
        movdqa  E0, E_ORIG
        pshufb  SWAP_MASK, MSG0

        paddd   MSG0, E0
        movdqa  ABCD, E1
        sha1rnds4 $0, E0, ABCD  C Rounds 0-3

        movups  16(INPUT), MSG1
        pshufb  SWAP_MASK, MSG1

        sha1nexte MSG1, E1
        movdqa  ABCD, E0
        sha1rnds4 $0, E1, ABCD  C Rounds 4-7
        sha1msg1 MSG1, MSG0

        movups  32(INPUT), MSG2
        pshufb  SWAP_MASK, MSG2

        sha1nexte MSG2, E0
        movdqa  ABCD, E1
        sha1rnds4 $0, E0, ABCD  C Rounds 8-11
        sha1msg1 MSG2, MSG1
        pxor    MSG2, MSG0

        movups  48(INPUT), MSG3
        pshufb  SWAP_MASK, MSG3

        QROUND(MSG3, MSG0, MSG1, MSG2, E1, E0, 0)       C Rounds 12-15
        QROUND(MSG0, MSG1, MSG2, MSG3, E0, E1, 0)       C Rounds 16-19

        QROUND(MSG1, MSG2, MSG3, MSG0, E1, E0, 1)       C Rounds 20-23
        QROUND(MSG2, MSG3, MSG0, MSG1, E0, E1, 1)       C Rounds 24-27
        QROUND(MSG3, MSG0, MSG1, MSG2, E1, E0, 1)       C Rounds 28-31
        QROUND(MSG0, MSG1, MSG2, MSG3, E0, E1, 1)       C Rounds 32-35
        QROUND(MSG1, MSG2, MSG3, MSG0, E1, E0, 1)       C Rounds 36-39

        QROUND(MSG2, MSG3, MSG0, MSG1, E0, E1, 2)       C Rounds 40-43
        QROUND(MSG3, MSG0, MSG1, MSG2, E1, E0, 2)       C Rounds 44-47
        QROUND(MSG0, MSG1, MSG2, MSG3, E0, E1, 2)       C Rounds 48-51
        QROUND(MSG1, MSG2, MSG3, MSG0, E1, E0, 2)       C Rounds 52-55
        QROUND(MSG2, MSG3, MSG0, MSG1, E0, E1, 2)       C Rounds 56-59

        QROUND(MSG3, MSG0, MSG1, MSG2, E1, E0, 3)       C Rounds 60-63
        QROUND(MSG0, MSG1, MSG2, MSG3, E0, E1, 3)       C Rounds 64-67

        sha1nexte MSG1, E1
        movdqa  ABCD, E0
        sha1msg2 MSG1, MSG2
        sha1rnds4 $3, E1, ABCD  C Rounds 68-71
        pxor    MSG1, MSG3

        sha1nexte MSG2, E0
        movdqa  ABCD, E1
        sha1msg2 MSG2, MSG3
        sha1rnds4 $3, E0, ABCD  C Rounds 72-75

        sha1nexte MSG3, E1
        movdqa  ABCD, E0
        sha1rnds4 $3, E1, ABCD  C Rounds 76-79

        sha1nexte E_ORIG, E0
        paddd   ABCD_ORIG, ABCD

        pshufd  $0x1b, ABCD, ABCD
        movups  ABCD, (STATE)
        pshufd  $0x1b, E0, E0
        movd    E0, 16(STATE)

        W64_EXIT(2, 10)

Niels Möller. PGP-encrypted email is preferred. Keyid 368C6677.
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