Jeffrey Walton <> writes:

> It is easy enough to audit. Everywhere there is an assert() to assert
> a condition, then there should be an if() statement with the same test
> that returns failure.

Sorry for getting a bit off-topic, but I would like to advice against
that practice.

In particular, it makes the error handling for the "return failure" case
awkward to test properly. At least, in my experience it is desirable to
be able to run the same testsuite on either release or debug builds. But
any tests intended to exercise that error handling will crash with an
assertion failure when testing a debug build. I don't like that at all.

Getting back to Nettle, I strive to design the interfaces so that there
are no ways to fail, given valid inputs. No return value, and no error
handling required from callers. And where practical, documented input
requirements are backed up with asserts.

E.g, consider the _set_key method for some cipher. Due to an application
bug, this function might be called with an empty key, with a null key
pointer or zero key length. Nettle will then crash with either an
assertion failure or fatal signal from a null pointer dereference.

We could avoid crashing, by silently ignoring the error and doing
nothing. That seems dangerous to me, the application might end up
sending sensitive data encrypted with an uninitialized cipher, and where
the value of uninitialized subkeys is likely easy to guess by the

We could return a error code, but for that to be a real improvement,
*all* applications must clutter up their code to check errors from
_set_key, which are not expected to ever happen, and with error handling
which is inconvenient to test properly. If the applications with the
empty key bug fails to check the return value, or checks it but with
bugs in the error handling code, it will end up in the same case of
silently using a cipher with uninitialized easy-to-guess subkeys.

On the other hand, the _set_key function for ciphers with weak keys does
have a return value in Nettle. I think this makes sense because

1. It's Nettle's job to know which keys are weak, not the application's.

2. Checking for weak keys is somewhat optional. It might useful in some
   cases, but not terribly useful if the application selects the key
   using some random process where the probability of weak keys are
   negligible. And for the applications where it does matter, the error
   handling should be reasonably easy to test.

> Postel's law is dangerous nowadays. The threat landscape has changed.
> Look for any reason you can to fail processing. If you can't find a
> reason, then begrudgingly process the data.

I'm afraid I can't make much sense of this remark. You probably read the
robustness principle (RFC 1112) differently than I do.

The way I read it, one should be prepared to receive all possible input
from the remote end, make sure that everything allowed by the spec is
handled correctly, and with proper error handling for anything invalid.

While when sending data, one should stay in the main stream. Avoid any
obscure and rarely used protocol features and corner cases, even when
they are technically correct according to the spec.


Niels Möller. PGP-encrypted email is preferred. Keyid 368C6677.
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