(Niels Möller) writes:

> Have you looked at nettle's pgp.h?


> This code is not really in a useful state. It aims to be able to write
> out a public RSA key in openpgp format, and doesn't quite succeed at
> that.

Well, a key packet on its own is not useful, you also need signature
packets and userid packets to form a useful OpenPGP Transferable Public

> Do you think it would be useful with some level of pgp-support in the
> Nettle library?

I don't know.  That depends on the use case.  The most basic operation
that I can think of would be signature verification, and even that
requires the ability to correctly canonicalize TPKs, which is somewhat
involved.  Encryption and safe decryption requires streaming,
consumption of arbitrary OpenPGP messages requires decompression
support, it just goes on and on...

> Regarding the Rust bindings, what's the best place to point other Rust
> users?, or
>, or somewhere else? is the preferred place to point
downstream users to.  Thanks!

> Niels Möller. PGP-encrypted email is preferred. Keyid 368C6677.

Nitpick:  You have a short KeyID in your signature.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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