Niels Möller <> writes:

> 3. Try out if 4-way gives additional speedup.

Below code seems to work (but is not yet a drop-in replacement, since it
needs some wireup in chacha.crypt.c, and 32-bit counter variant and BE
swapping not yet implemented). Seems to give almost a factor of 2
speedup over chacha_2core. In theory, it could give slightly more than a
factor 2, since all datashuffling between qrounds (the vsldoi
instructinos in the chacha_2core.asm main loop) has been eliminated.


1. Does the save and restore of registers look correct? I checked the
   abi spec, and the intention is to use the part of the 288 byte
   "Protected zone" below the stack pointer.

2. The use of the QR macro means that there's no careful
   instruction-level interleaving of independent instructions. Do you
   think it's beneficial to do manual interleaving (like in
   chacha_2core.asm), or can it be left to the out-of-order execution
   logic run sort it out and execute instructions in parallel?

3. Is there any clever way to construct the vector {0,1,2,3} in a
   register, instead of loading it from memory?


C powerpc64/chacha-4core.asm

   Copyright (C) 2020 Niels Möller and Torbjörn Granlund
   This file is part of GNU Nettle.

   GNU Nettle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of either:

     * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
       Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
       option) any later version.


     * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
       Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       option) any later version.

   or both in parallel, as here.

   GNU Nettle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and
   the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.  If
   not, see

C Register usage:

define(`SP', `r1')
define(`TOCP', `r2')

C Argments
define(`DST', `r3')
define(`SRC', `r4')
define(`ROUNDS', `r5')

C Working state in v0,...,v15

define(`ROT16', v16)
define(`ROT12', v17)
define(`ROT8',  v18)
define(`ROT7',  v19)

C During the loop, used to save the original values for last 4 words
C of each block. Also used as temporaries for transpose-
define(`T0', `v20')
define(`T1', `v21')
define(`T2', `v22')
define(`T3', `v23')

C Main loop for round
        vadduwm $1, $1, $2
        vxor    $4, $4, $1
        vrlw    $4, $4, ROT16
        vadduwm $3, $3, $4
        vxor    $2, $2, $3
        vrlw    $2, $2, ROT12
        vadduwm $1, $1, $2
        vxor    $4, $4, $1
        vrlw    $4, $4, ROT8
        vadduwm $3, $3, $4
        vxor    $2, $2, $3
        vrlw    $2, $2, ROT7

        vmrghw  T0, $1, $3      C A0 A2 B0 B2
        vmrghw  T1, $2, $4      C A1 A3 B1 B3
        vmrglw  T2, $1, $3      C C0 C2 D0 D2
        vmrglw  T3, $2, $4      C C1 C3 D1 D3

        vmrghw  $1, T0, T1      C A0 A1 A2 A3
        vmrglw  $2, T0, T1      C B0 B1 B2 B3
        vmrghw  $3, T2, T3      C C0 C2 C1 C3
        vmrglw  $4, T2, T3      C D0 D1 D2 D3

        C _chacha_4core(uint32_t *dst, const uint32_t *src, unsigned rounds)
define(`FUNC_ALIGN', `5')

        li      r6, 0x10        C set up some...
        li      r7, 0x20        C ...useful...
        li      r8, 0x30        C ...offsets

        addi    r1, r1, -0x40   C Save callee-save registers
        stvx    v20, 0, r1
        stvx    v21, r6, r1
        stvx    v22, r7, r1
        stvx    v23, r8, r1

        vspltisw ROT16, -16     C -16 instead of 16 actually works!
        vspltisw ROT12, 12
        vspltisw ROT8, 8
        vspltisw ROT7, 7

C Load state while splating it, incrementing "pos" fields as we go
        lxvw4x  VSR(v0),  0, SRC        C "expa ..."
        lxvw4x  VSR(v4),  r6, SRC       C key
        lxvw4x  VSR(v8),  r7, SRC       C key
        lxvw4x  VSR(v12), r8, SRC       C cnt and nonce

        vspltw  v1, v0, 1
        vspltw  v2, v0, 2
        vspltw  v3, v0, 3
        vspltw  v0, v0, 0
        vspltw  v5, v4, 1
        vspltw  v6, v4, 2
        vspltw  v7, v4, 3
        vspltw  v4, v4, 0
        vspltw  v9,  v8, 1
        vspltw  v10, v8, 2
        vspltw  v11, v8, 3
        vspltw  v8,  v8, 0
        vspltw  v13, v12, 1
        vspltw  v14, v12, 2
        vspltw  v15, v12, 3
        vspltw  v12, v12, 0

        ld      r9, .Lcnts@got(r2)
        lxvw4x  VSR(T0), 0, r9  C increments
        vaddcuw T1, v12, T0     C compute carry-out
        vadduwm v12, v12, T0    C low adds
        vadduwm v13, v13, T1    C apply carries

        C Save all 4x4 of the last words.
        vor     T0, v12, v12    C save pos field until...
        vor     T1, v13, v13    C ...after rounds
        vor     T2, v14, v14
        vor     T3, v15, v15

        srdi    ROUNDS, ROUNDS, 1
        mtctr   ROUNDS
        QR(v0, v4,  v8, v12)
        QR(v1, v5,  v9, v13)
        QR(v2, v6, v10, v14)
        QR(v3, v7, v11, v15)
        QR(v0, v5, v10, v15)
        QR(v1, v6, v11, v12)
        QR(v2, v7,  v8, v13)
        QR(v3, v4,  v9, v14)
        bdnz    .Loop

        C Add in saved original words, including counters, before
        C transpose.
        vadduwm v12, v12, T0
        vadduwm v13, v13, T1
        vadduwm v14, v14, T2
        vadduwm v15, v15, T3

        TRANSPOSE(v0, v1,v2, v3)
        TRANSPOSE(v4, v5, v6, v7)
        TRANSPOSE(v8, v9, v10, v11)
        TRANSPOSE(v12, v13, v14, v15)

        lxvw4x  VSR(T0),  0, SRC
        lxvw4x  VSR(T1), r6, SRC
        lxvw4x  VSR(T2), r7, SRC

        vadduwm v0, v0, T0
        vadduwm v1, v1, T0
        vadduwm v2, v2, T0
        vadduwm v3, v3, T0

        vadduwm v4, v4, T1
        vadduwm v5, v5, T1
        vadduwm v6, v6, T1
        vadduwm v7, v7, T1

        vadduwm v8, v8, T2
        vadduwm v9, v9, T2
        vadduwm v10, v10, T2
        vadduwm v11, v11, T2

        stxvw4x VSR(v0), 0, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v4), r6, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v8), r7, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v12), r8, DST

        addi    DST, DST, 64

        stxvw4x VSR(v1), 0, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v5), r6, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v9), r7, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v13), r8, DST

        addi    DST, DST, 64

        stxvw4x VSR(v2), 0, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v6), r6, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v10), r7, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v14), r8, DST

        addi    DST, DST, 64

        stxvw4x VSR(v3), 0, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v7), r6, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v11), r7, DST
        stxvw4x VSR(v15), r8, DST

        C Restore callee-save registers
        lvx     v20, 0, r1
        lvx     v21, r6, r1
        lvx     v22, r7, r1
        lvx     v23, r8, r1
        addi    r1, r1, 0x40


        .section .rodata
.Lcnts: .long   0,1,2,3         C increments

Niels Möller. PGP-encrypted email is preferred. Keyid 368C6677.
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