Hello Maamoun,

On Tue, Jan 05, 2021 at 05:52:35PM +0200, Maamoun TK wrote:

> > I've made a new branch "arm64" with the configure changes. If you think
> > that looks ok, can you add your new ghash code on top of that?
> Great. I'll add the ghash code to the branch once I finish the big-endian
> support.

I've dusted off the pine64s I mentioned before. Both are running Gentoo,
one little-endian, the other big-endian. I'd be happy to give anything
you throw my way a whirl on real hardware.

# uname -a
Linux v 4.16.0-rc5-00012-g7cfbc0d114ca #1 SMP Tue Mar 13 18:55:14 CET 2018 
aarch64_be GNU/Linux
(A newer kernel is coming.)
# file /usr/lib64/libnettle.so.8.0
/usr/lib64/libnettle.so.8.0: ELF 64-bit MSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 
1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped

Regarding CI: I've recently updated my buildroot-based armv[567]b container
images.[1] Something similar should be doable for aarch64_be.

[1] https://hub.docker.com/r/michaelweisernettleci/buildroot
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