Maamoun TK <> writes:

> I managed to get the tarball approach working in gitlab ci with the
> following steps:

Thanks for the research. I've added a test job based on these ideas. See
An almost identical setup was run successfully as

> - In gitlab go to settings -> CI / CD. Expand Variables and add the
> following variables:
>    - S390X_SSH_IP_ADDRESS: username@instance_ip
>    - S390X_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: private key of ssh connection
>    - S390X_SSH_CI_DIRECTORY: name of directory in remote server where the
>    tarball is extracted and tested

I made only the private key a variable (and of type "file", which means
it's stored in a temporary file, with file name in $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY).
The others are defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file.

> - Update gitlab-ci.yml as follows:
>    - Add this line to variables category at the top of file:
>   DEBIAN_BUILD: buildenv-debian

I used the same fedora image as for the simpler build jobs.

>   script:
>   - tar --exclude=.git --exclude=gitlab-ci.yml -cf - . | ssh
> -xf - &&

I'm using ./configure && make dist instead, then we get a bit testing of
that too. On the remote side, directory name is based on
$CI_PIPELINE_IID, that seems to be a good way to get one directory per job.

>   only:
>     variables:
>     - $S390X_SSH_IP_ADDRESS
>     - $S390X_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY

What does this mean? Ah, it excludes the job if these variables aren't


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