Hi Niels :)

Niels Möller <ni...@lysator.liu.se> writes:

>       * Support for OCB authenticated encryption mode.

Most appreciated!  I read the documentation and found only two minor
issues (patches sent).  The interface looks good.

I have added support for OCB in our Rust bindings on 2022-02-03 in a
feature branch.  I don't think that the interface changed since (note
we're only using the streaming general interface).  We have quite a few
tests: we instantiate it with every compatible cipher and do a roundtrip
test, we have the test vectors from RFC7253, we have an additional set
of test vectors with 15 byte nonces published by dkg, all kinds of tests
higher up in our OpenPGP implementation including test vectors from the
upcoming OpenPGP revision.  I'm reasonable confident that bindings and
underlying implementation behave as expected.


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