On Mon, 2005-01-31 at 13:31 -0500, Sven wrote:
> my last 10c: could NM not just monitor the "Link Quality" of the
> connection (as in /proc/net/wireless) and trigger a scan if that changes
> dramatically? (i guess also with a timer, since if the link quality is
> low anyway every change in LQ will be "dramatic" ...)

Unfortunately, the link quality is not reported uniformly by drivers.
Some only give you the signal level in dBm, many give you noise in dBm
(so at least one could do a signal-to-noise ratio for some idea of
quality), some drivers give you a quality but no maximum quality, and
some drivers actually do the right thing.  Furthermore, many drivers
don't report the correct maximum quality/max rssi for your particular
chipset.  Its really not good to rely on anything quality related at
this time.


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