On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 21:50 -0400, Bryan Clark wrote:

> So that was definitely done purposefully, here's why. :-)  We didn't use
> a disabled menu item because those are reserved for items that will
> _eventually_ become enabled.  In your menus the items are either
> enabled, disabled with a possibility of becoming enabled, or not there
> at all.  Since the 'Wireless Networks' item never actually becomes
> enabled we opted to leave it normal.  Opposite is the 'Wired Network'
> menu which does become enabled when you have a wired connection, and
> thus we felt a disabled item was perfect for that.  To make the Wireless
> Network item stand out as "something you won't be clicking on", we
> centered it. The centering also gives a header style look to it that I
> think works.

So you disagree with the greying-out, the centering, and the horizontal

It seems to me that we are already breaking rules--having a menu item
that is never selectable and is actually just a heading.

I guess I don't think that the greying-out confuses users as much as the
non-greyed-out-centered label is non-stetic.  ;-)

        Robert Love

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