On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 17:24 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Moreover, I have a bunch of network services that don't like to startup 
> without
> network.  Even now I have to restart ntpd, sendmail, and athena-zhm by hand.. 
> And I don't even want to think about the hell that OpenAFS would be!  It's 
> just
> so much better to start the network earlier, rather than later, regardless of
> whether it's a wired or wireless network.

These services are dumb, they do not expect network changes at any
point.  You've got 2 options:

1) Make them aware of NetworkManager by making them dbus-aware
2) Add them to restart scripts which get executed by

In the current system, you'd have to do the same thing if you join
another network using system-config-network.  In the end, we need to
make services that depend on the network aware of the fact that you
might change it, that your IP address may be different in 30 seconds,

We shouldn't limit the scope of stupidity to just startup-time, though
we'll hopefully have startup dependencies for Fedora Core 5.

> Yea, every once in a blue moon do I need a static IP..  It would be nice to 
> have
> it available.  OTOH I don't think it's odd at all to want the network to come
> up during the boot sequence.

Static IP support is currently complete.  You configure it using
system-config-network, and NM will pick up the correct static IP
information from the profile that's currently active when it starts up.


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