Seems this might be due to error on my part. The package didn't force an update of wireless-tools as it should have. See

`yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update wireless-tools` should do the trick, and I'll have that fixed in a later RPM of NM in fc4.

On 10/19/2005 01:50 PM, D. D. Brierton wrote:
Contrary to my earlier report it seems that I CAN'T connect to any
wireless access points that I've tried so far with the latest NM. I
*had* thought it was working correctly because the NetworkManagerInfo
notification area applet correctly shows the available access points,
and their signal strengths, and correctly detects when a wired
connection is available and when it isn't.

I've tried two access points so far. One requires a 40/64 bit 10 digit
Hex key, and the other has no WEP encryption/security at all. In both
cases NM appears to try to connect, but then disconnects again. In the
first case NM just continually prompts me for the key but still fails to
connect. The following gets written to /var/log/messages:

Oct 19 18:13:34 excession kernel: eth1: New link status: Disconnected (0002)
Oct 19 18:13:34 excession kernel: eth1: New link status: Connected (0001)
Oct 19 18:13:42 excession kernel: eth1: New link status: Disconnected (0002)
Oct 19 18:13:42 excession kernel: eth1: New link status: Connected (0001)

I'm not sure how I can provide more information, but I'm happy to do so
if you tell me how/what.

I'm running FC4, kernel-2.6.13-1.1526_FC4.i686, and my card is a PCMCIA
Dell Truemobile badged Intersil PRISM2. The driver is orinoco_cs.

Any thoughts?

Best, Darren

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