Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 07:32:48 -0500
> From: Neal Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've been following networkmanager devel enthusiastically for several
months. I haven't been able to use it, because I use kde, and I need
to set WEP keys. I've never seen any guide to how to make this work.
I understand that in the present status somehow gnome's key manager
needs to be started - but I don't know how to do this.

I think that networkmanager will miss out out >1/2 of the linux
audience unless there is some way for kde users to make this work.
Could someone kindly explain the procedure?

KDE users who don't need WEP are fine with nm-applet out-of-the-box, as you probably know (modulo the various nm-applet/NetworkManager freezes and crashes that I see every other day or so).

For WEP, you need to give nm-applet some way to get to a gnome-keyring. I posted this link previously, so you can probably find it in the list-archives, but here it is again: (perhaps the NetworkManager web site admin could copy it or link to it?).

The procedure requires you to create two files, which will be run when you start and stop kde (respectively). Both files must be readable and executable by startkde:

$ cat ~/.kde/env/

# gnome keyring daemon
# set env vars, much like ssh-agent
eval `gnome-keyring-daemon`
set | grep GNOME


$ cat ~/.kde/shutdown/

# kill any gnome keyring daemons that we were using
if [ -n "$GNOME_KEYRING_PID" ]; then
  echo killing gnome-keyring-damon $GNOME_KEYRING_PID


It almost works :-). The only WEP network I use is "closed" - that is, it doesn't advertise its essid. So I have to set the essid manually, from the command line. When I do that, "my-closed-network" shows up in the nm-applet menu. If I select it, a gnome-keyring pops up to ask for my password, and then nm-applet connects to the network and gets an IP.

I don't know about open networks, but I'd expect them to function more smoothly. Why don't you try it, and post back to the list with your results?

-- Mike
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