nm's working great for me in several places but I'm having trouble with
it connecting to a particular linksys wrt54g v2.2 linksys wireless
router. I know the router is ok b/c I can connect to it from another
wireless machine. The router does have the latest firmware upgrade too.

Problem is probably not networkmanager (nm hereafter) at all but I'm not
sure how to figure out exactly what the problem is.

Basically nm sees the access point and prompts for a password but cannot
connect. Tried disabling wifi security entirely on the router and still
no good.

So eventually I just configured from the terminal using iwconfig and ran
dhclient and connected just fine.

Now, for the record, gnome's default network-administration applet also
failed to connect in a similar manner. So how can I find out what's
different when using iwconfig that networkmanager wasn't doing?

I see one suspicious sort of message appearing in /var/log/messages:
Dec 24 16:50:10 localhost dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not
found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth1 for sub-path eth1.dbus.get.reason

NM does work for me w/ other access points. Just not this one for some

Machine info:
$ uname -a:
Linux mybox 2.6.12-10-386 #1 Fri Nov 18 11:51:02 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

Merry Christmas!

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