On 3/29/06, Timothy Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 March 2006 14:51, Alejandro Bonilla wrote:
> > > I wonder if the aims and hopes of the NM developers
> > > are documented anywhere?
> > >
> > > Is it hoped that it will work with all wireless devices
> > > for which there is a Linux driver (including ndiswrapper)?
> >
> > I haven't seen much of the stuff behind the scenes on NM, but the adapters
> > that support WE (Wireless Extensions) have worked for me good enough.
> > Specially the IPW one's.
> So it works for you, as I am sure it does for many others,
> but it doesn't work for me (Fedora-5 with KDE).
I am not trying to make this a flamewar so don't take this as such,
but he did answer your question, NM supports cards that properly
support the latest WEXT standard for example the IPW cards.

My previous email contains another link that lists specific hardware 
support that you may find usefull.

Regarding KNetworkManager, there was a post here by the author of that
applet and I think he is hosting it on the KDE SVN repository.  If you
search the list archives for the past 2 weeks you should see it and
that can help you find it.  I think if you install your standard
distro's NetworkManager package and then the KNetworkManager applet
you should be good to go but I run Gnome so I have never tried it.  If
it works for you please let the list know.
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