Garry Williams wrote:
On 5/11/06, Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
p.roediger wrote:
> Aaron Konstam schrieb:
>> On Thu, 2006-05-11 at 02:48 +0200, Peter Roediger wrote:


So when is it going to be made compatible with kde

I run FC5 (updated from FC4) on a Sony Vaio FS640/W.  (This uses the
Intel ipw2200 wireless adapter.)

I decided to use KDE (after years with Gnome) about two months ago.
nm-applet will run in KDE just fine.  I added


to my start-up list.

All works as expected here with one minor exception: The nm-applet
icon occasionally disappears from the panel, leaving a blank spot
where it used to be.  If I unplug or plug in my wired Ethernet cable,
nm-applet still notifies me that the change has occurred.  I can
restore the icon by manually killing and restarting nm-applet.  It
will also spontaneously reappear.  I haven't figured why this happens.

I intend to give KNetworkManager a try when I get some time, but I
have all NM functionality now with KDE and without KNetworkManager.

What is this "nm_applet" people are talking about? I don't believe its installed on this FC5 system.

Cheers, Gene

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