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>> "Assuming you have all the required libraries you then do the standard
>> ./configure
>> make
>> make install"
>> but the knetworkmanager directory does not have a configure script -
>> Presumably there is some other command I need to run first.
>> Chris
> I have company it seems, thats my situation also, the make tools are all
> on the missing list.

That is not the "fault" of anyone - about the knetworkmanager, it has to
do with the build system for KDE - I don't remember the specifics, but
doing an svn checkout of KDE to build from it is not as easy as some
places, you need to check out from what I recall, some admin directory,
as well as somewhere else (base I believe is what I was told) and then
you checkout Knetworkmanager into that directory, and you run something
along the lines of admin/somescript (I don't run a KDE machine full
time, and haven't looked into getting KNetworkManager running because of
this) - A couple of weeks back I had heard it was prepping for a release
 real soon now(tm) - but I am not, and don't know the maintainer, so I
can't really speak on that.

I do know that KDE has an SVN howto, but again, I've not researched it
lately as I have become more of a fan of Gnome and it's simplicity.

I just googled and it took me a little bit to find the info (actually
found it and am adapting it somewhat, so my instructions MAY NOT work
(probably don't, I am just guestimating)

you want to make a random directory somewhere - for me, I keep all repos
that I check out in ~/repos so

mkcd ~/repos/knetworkmanager (please note, you will need to do mkdir,
mkcd is a little zsh magic I have going here that makes a directory and
then cd's into it for me)

then you need to

svn co the knetworkmanager stuff

cd into the knetworkmanager

svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kde-common/admin

make -f Makefile.cvs

make install

(obviously, a rough guestimation, someone more familiar with KDE and
building things from their svn, please feel free to correct me :) )

Hope that was helpful and not too far off topic for the list
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