On Wednesday 04 October 2006 22:19, Tim Hicks wrote:
> Don't totally remove them; NM won't see any interfaces to use.
> I'm using Ubuntu 6.06.1, my /etc/network/interfaces contains:
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> auto eth1
> iface eth1 inet dhcp
> (eth1 being my wireless card) and NM sees both and works fine.

in my case, I can't include eth0 or eth1 _at all_.  It doesn't actually matter 
if the one that's assigned to the wired interface is there or not, but I'm 
not using iftab, so my interfaces come up randomly, and as long as neither is 
in /etc/network/interfaces everything is working with NM (this is a recent 
improvement - for the last two months wireless hasn't worked with NM & Edgy).

The word on the NM list is that you're right - it should work with an 
interface that specifies _only_ "inet dhcp" (but it doesn't for me), but it 
should also work with no mention of those interfaces at all.
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