On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 19:00 +0000, Eugéne Suter wrote:
> Hi again,
> I've successfully built NetworkManager on VectorLinux 5.8 (slackware
> 11 derivative), thanks to help from this mailing list.
> Anyway, after installing the package I built, I ran "nm-applet" and
> nothing happened. 

There are two components, nm-applet, and NetworkManager.  You must make
sure that you have both running.

Furthermore, the dbus bits have to be in order.  Fedora uses pam_console
to ensure that users physically at the laptop can talk to
NetowrkManager; debian-based distributions use groups.  I'm not sure how
slackware does it.  The problem is that you can't necessarily let
_anyone_ change network settings on the fly, so NM locks it down to a
subset of people.  I'm not sure how slackware's dbus works in this
regard.  That's a general slackware/dbus issue, not related to


> So I opened a terminal, and ran nm-applet from there.
> No errors occurred (or any other output for that matter) but I could
> see the terminal was busy, since the prompt didn't re-appear.
> I'm using XFCE 4.4, and according to NetworkManager's homepage, the
> applet should work in any mainstream environment, including XFCE.
> Do I need to start a daemon or something?
> What did I miss?
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Eugéne
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