On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 10:15 +0100, yelo_3 wrote:
> Are you sure?? iwlist eth1 scan gives always more
> updated results than the applet.
> I started NetworkManager --no-daemon to see the
> logfile but it does not say anything when I click on
> the icon... but maybe it is normal.. I didn't find any
> option to have mode debugging info

"Refresh" will never be an option, that's just the wrong way of going
about things.  If you can automatically determine stuff, its just bad
form to do things like refresh.

Applets do trigger an updated scan interval when the menu is dropped
down, and those results will appear shortly in the menu after some
seconds (after the scan has completed which may be up to 10s or so).

What's the problem?  Do you want immediate results of a scan?  Those are
largely inaccurate anyway.  If you know there's an AP around but NM
can't see it, that's probably more of a driver issue.


> --- Darren Albers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> > On 3/6/07, yelo_3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I know that nm-applet shows the result of scans
> > every
> > > 2 minutes. I think that this was discussed lots of
> > > times. I just wanted to ask a question.
> > > why it is not acceptable to do scans also every
> > time I
> > > left-click on the applet, to show updated results?
> > > Or at least add a "refresh list" button... this is
> > > really helpful to preserve time!
> > 
> > That is what happens if I recall correctly, when you
> > drop down the
> > list it initiates a scan request.
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