I was considering a new Macbook Pro but the madwifi signal strength
issue causes problems for me and while Robert's patch for NM helps the
connection strength is still reported less than an Intel card at the
same location.

So I was looking on the Madwifi page to see if there had ever been any
proposed patches to the madwifi code that resolve the issue but were
never checked into the core when I found this page:

It says:
"As of MadWiFi version 0.9.3, the noise floor is no longer assumed to
be a constant -95 dBm. The noise floor is now updated on each receive
interrupt by calling out to the HAL, which returns the absolute noise
level in dBm. However, because each interrupt can service several
packets we cannot get a noise reading for each and every packet.
MadWiFi simply takes the measured noise level at each interrupt and
assumes all packets serviced during the interrupt were received with
this noise level. The measured noise is not used during scanning at
present, so all scan results return with a noise level of -95 dBm."

Do the above changes seem like they resolved these issues or maybe not
affect it at all?   I can dig out my atheros card (it's in the attic!)
and find out if nobody knows but I figured it would save me the hassle
of climbing up there if someone already has checked.

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