On 9/13/07, Dan Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 08:16 -0400, Jacob wrote:
> > On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 01:51:27 -0600
> > "Pat Sissons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I'm currently writing a Ruby NM wrapper library that operates over the
> > > DBus.  The trouble is that I don't really have any concrete spec to
> > > build it with.  I have been using
> > > http://people.redhat.com/dcbw/NetworkManager/NetworkManager%20DBUS%20API.txt
> > > and
> > > http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-October/msg00233.html
> > > along with dbus-send and dbus-monitor for debugging and testing.
> > > Although I have done quite a bit with these resources, I'm positive
> > > that a lot of the functionality is left to be implemented simply
> > > because I'm not aware of its existence, the signals being a prime
> > > example.  I have managed to extract a fair number of the NM interface
> > > signals from the NM source, but I know there is much much more.  I
> > > have found absolutely no documentation on the NMI interface.
> > >
> > > Anyways, if anyone knows of or can produce a clean spec for 0.6.4 (and
> > > any future versions that don't include introspection) that would be
> > > great, if not, any pointers on a more efficient way of deciphering the
> > > spec would be great too.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> >
> > Forgive me if I'm wrong, but from what I've heard just browsing this list, 
> > NetworkManager's documentation is lacking everywhere, or is very difficult 
> > to find. If there is no real documentation, a Wiki of some kind could be 
> > set up for NM, so that knowledge could be added as it is mentioned here in 
> > this list.
> Yeah, sorry :(  The current dbus interface is pretty ad-hoc and hasn't
> changed much in 2 years.  It won't necessarily be easy to pull out the
> details (especially for activation of a device with wireless security),
> but I'm happy to help where I can.  I've done nm clients in both C and
> python.
> 0.7 bits are much better thought out and correctly use interfaces and
> objects in a much more understandable manner.  That also means it will
> be a lot simpler to extract the D-Bus interface details and put them
> into documentation formats.
> dan
> > Then again, I'm always screaming "Wiki fixes that!"... :)
> >
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Yea i was browsing the source today trying to fill in as many details
as I could.  I came across the createWirelessNetwork and saw that it
uses a variable number of arguments that are detailed further in
libnm-util/dbus-helpers.c  I will leave that part of the development
to the end since that will take a little more effort.  I think I have
a handle on the NMI interface as well, i'll likely work on that

The 0.7 svn source includes the introspect xml files, so
theoretically, i shouldn't have to worry about the specs anymore than
reading those files.  And in the case of ruby-dbus, introspection is
built in so the methods will be created automagically for me.  I will
look forward to its release, however, i noticed that gutsy (i'm an
ubuntu boy) is only using 0.6.5.  So it looks like a little wait yet
before 0.7 is mainstream.

Also, I'm really looking forward to a wiki if someone can
provide/create one.  I have a fair amount of documentation that many
might find useful.  And this would also allow corrections to my
assumptions that may have been wrong (i know there must be some).

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