On Nov 26, 2007 11:38 PM, Michal Zugec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I checked also other distributin sources and the same problem is
> everywhere. Before I start to play with it I want to ask -  anybody
> solved it yet? Or I need to start from scratch?

My take (being the assignee of the bug on novell bugzilla) is that
it's not worth to spend time on it for the stable branch (0.6.x).
There's an easy workaround, just use the first form. For the future
releases of NM (from 0.7 branch), our goal is to get rid of the whole
src/backends directory. It currently does two things: reads
configuration from the distro specific configuration files and to
commit configuration changes in distro specific way. For writing, it
has proved to not have a lot of point and it's getting changed to use
libnl directly. For reading, there's a system settings daemon Dan
committed just last week, but it's a work in progress and isn't in the
state yet where you could just fix this specific bug.

(My personal opinion: Even longer term solution, let's not use distro
specific shell scripts at all)

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