Darren Albers wrote:
> On Dec 5, 2007 5:59 PM, Casey Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No problem. They'll be more coming. There's still some config crashes,
>> DNS is not getting set up correctly and there is a long standing bug
>> when specifying custom routes that I plan on fixing now that I've
>> started familiarizing myself with the code.
>> -casey
> You will be a hero to a lot of people if you can fix this last one!

I'm assuming you're referring to NM leaving you with no default route 
when specifying specific routes from the VPN configuration? If so, is it 
a problem for all vpn plugins, or specific to the openvpn plugin?

For the openvpn plugin (though I'd imagine something similar could be 
done for other VPN plugins as well), I want to extend the "Only use VPN 
connection for these addresses" to include a checkbox for "and addresses 
specified by the VPN server".

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