On Thu, Dec 27, 2007 at 10:15:57AM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2007 at 09:53:25AM -0600, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> > I was surprised to see that the olpc running the sugar operating system
> > runs NM. olpc (product of the one computer one child project) if MIT's
> > Negroponte. The idea is to mass produce cheap computers for children in
> > third world countries.

Not such a big surpise. One of the upstream authors of NM used to work on
the OLPC project :)

> > The connection interface is interesting. It is a screen of colored dots
> > each one a AP or a mesh connection, which is a connection to another
> > olpc.It is more colorful than NM-applet.
> I just received one of these but have not had much time with it.  I
> did notice that the display showed my local access points, but also
> displayed a few "mesh" connections.  I doubt that there are really any
> around.

There are always three mesh connections available in the meshview. Those
represent mesh networks on different channels (if you hover over it, you'll
see).. Mesh networks are created as soon as one or more nodes ``join'' one.

> In my quick attempt I was not able to get the wireless to work on my
> WPA-enabled access point.  Do you have any tips?

There are/were some issues with WPA and WEP. I'm not sure in which builds these
problems occur. Search for WEP and WPA on dev.laptop.org, it should have the
needed information.

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