I'm currently attempting to connect to a network configured with
128-bit WEP with current SVN. When prompted for the key, I make sure to
select the 128-bit Hexadecimal option. However, after a short wait, it
asks me for the key again. The log reads:

NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ath0/wireless): association took too
long, asking for new key.

    Additionally, once I've input the key again and hit Connect, I'm
immediately given a libnotify message saying that the network has been
disconnected. nm-applet outputs the following repeatedly, though not
necessarily all three together:

** (nm-applet:11611): CRITICAL **: nm_setting_to_hash: assertion
`NM_IS_SETTING (setting)' failed

** (nm-applet:11611): WARNING **: applet.c.3327
(get_secrets_dialog_response_cb): failed to hash setting

** (nm-applet:11611): WARNING **: nm_object_get_property: Error getting
'Ssid' for /: Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface
"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist

    Finally, just as a note, nm-applet trunk fails to compile out of the
box, dying due to a combination of the -Werror CFLAG and believing that
`pair' in utils_find_next_channel in src/utils/utils.c may be used
uninitialized. Sorry for the little collection of issues. Ideas would be

Seán de Búrca
NetworkManager-list mailing list

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