On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 11:32 -0400, Dan Williams wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 11:27 -0400, Louis E Garcia II wrote:
> > I'm running F8 with the latest kernel, wpa_supplament and NetworkManager
> > from koji. My wireless network has a hidden ssid, I am able to connect
> > through nm applet using the 'connect to other wireless network...' Then
> > the ssid shows up on the wireless networks list in nm applet. 
> > 
> > I am normally on a wired net and after a reboot the hidden ssid I
> > connected before is gone and I have to go through the same steps as
> > above. Which sucks. Also if I disconnect from wired network nm does not
> > automatically switch to the ssid I had last which was the hidden one.
> > 
> > Would it be better if once you connected to a hidden ssid it would
> > always appear in the list if you are within range?
> Does the BSSID of your hidden AP show up in GConf under 'seen-bssids'
> for it's connection?  Also, some logs from /var/log/messages would be
> useful during and right after the connection attempt.  It may be that
> the applet is unable to grab the BSSID of the associated AP and
> therefore unable to cache that in GConf.  NM uses the cached BSSIDs to
> match scan results with SSIDs.
> Dan

Don't now how but it seems to be working now. Forgot to mention that my
card is intel 3945. It might be that scanning from a boot sometimes is
slow and the ap does not show up at first. Sorry for the bother.


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