On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 20:04 +0200, Ole Martin wrote:
> Hi!
> Well, I'm using 0.6.5_p20070823 (Gentoo) and I also tried 0.6.6 today.
> But i still have the same issue! :-(

Ok, then I need you to install debuginfo (ie, symbols) for
NetworkManager and glib, and then run NM under gdb.  Then do your python
call, and get the backtrace and send that here so I can figure out where
exactly NM is having the problem.


> Ole Martin
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Dan Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Are there perhaps any APs around whose SSIDs have a '/' in
>         them or
>         aren't UTF-8 safe?  There was a bug in NM versions before
>         0.6.6 which
>         could cause crashes in certain circumstances.  This could
>         happen when NM
>         would try to push the network object paths back through D-Bus
>         in reply
>         to your getNetworks() call.  I'd give 0.6.6 a shot because
>         that would
>         most likely fix your issue.
>         Dan
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