NetworkManager v0.6.5
Debian Lenny (testing)

I was given a .pcf file that had a black Description line (e.g. Description= ) and NetworkManager would not import it until I manually modified it and gave it a description.  It said the file wasn't valid, yet it was exported from my co-workers laptop using ASDM.

While it may not be a fully valid file, I don't think that NetworkManager should complain about the import if the rest of the data contained in it is valid.  NetworkManager shouldn't let the person *finish* making the connection until all options that NetworkManager wants are fulfilled (e.g. let me import a partial config file and input the rest in the NetworkManager dialog window).

It would also be handy to know which fields are required (bold text or an asterisk by the field, maybe?).

Best regards,
- Ken

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