On Sat, 2008-04-26 at 09:49 +0100, Luke Sheldrick wrote:
> Hi all,
> Have just updated via yum update my fc8 laptop using the testing repos. It's 
> updated my network manager, I believe it will be the same as the new fc9?

Not quite; what's in updates-testing usually lags somewhat behind
rawhide.  I usually try to build the latest NM snapshot into Koji for F8
at least once a week though, just to keep F8 up to date with the latest

> Anyways it has detected my inbuilt 3g modem in my Dell D420, and amazingly 
> just connected... without the need to enter the APN or anything else?

I don't believe you need the APN except in certain circumstances like
roaming or other less-common configurations.  We've got somebody working
on a mobile wizard that should be able to select the right APN for you
though if you need it.

> Was just wondering if it should show the network name, i.e. T-Mobile? and is 
> there a way to get it to show the signal strength?

Yeah, both of these would be nice things to have.  Unfortunately, some
of that is blocked on the card vendors themselves becoming a bit more
open.  Most cards do not allow you to retrieve information about the
connection while you're connected, unless you use a proprietary protocol
that you must license from the vendor.  We're trying to pry some bits of
those open, but it may take a while.  There are a couple avenues though.


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